Technology and Engineering

World’s largest Science, Technology & Medicine Open Access book publisher. 
American Journal of Mechanical Engineering is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes original research articles and review articles in all areas of Mechanical Engineering. The aim of the journal is to provide academicians, researchers and professionals a platform to share cutting-edge development in the field of Mechanical Engineering.
Open access collection of scholarly articles from covering audio and speech processing, image and video processing, and signal processing with full access to article statistics by year.
This journal is a brand of Springer open. It brings together science and applications of wireless communications and networking technologies with emphasis on signal processing techniques and tools. It is directed at both practicing engineers and academic researchers.
This is a peer-reviewed open access journal published under the brand SpringerOpen. It aims to provide a unique forum for the publication and rapid dissemination of original research on structural engineering.
Journal of Software Engineering and Applications