Sciences General
ScienceOpen is a next generation Open Access platform that builds on the premise that scholarly publishing is not an end in itself, but the beginning of a dialogue to move research forward. It combines over 1 million articles from all areas of modern science, the humanities and social sciences with collaborative pre-publication workspaces, immediate publication and post-publication peer-review.
This journal is a brand of Omics International aims at providing open access platform that deals with the origin, structure, and physical phenomena of earth and its parts, effect of disasters, etc.
The National Science Foundation (NSF) provided access to this site designed for those interested in working in visualizing science and engineering data.
Worldwide Science site is a global science gateway that is meant to help connect a worldwide audience to various national and international scientific databases.
The Open University in Britain provided access to these course materials on the Palaeozoic era. Visitors will learn about the Cambrian explosion, the origins of vertebrates, and life in the Silurian sea.
This site about Carnegie Institution for Science presents an overview of the organization and its various activities. There is access to their Publications/Archives, annual report, listings of their books in prints, and a wide selection of online books.
This site for Academy of Natural Sciences is a great way to learn about their educational outreach activities as well as their museum. Exhibits include a photographic tour of Thomas Jefferson's famed fossil collection and an overview of the work of Joseph Leidy.
Food and Agriculture Organization for the United Nations.
An academic publisher of open access journals. It also publishes academic books and conference proceedings. SCIRP currently has more than 200 open access journals in all areas of science, technology and medicine.