Code of Conduct

Last Updated: Tuesday, 21 July 2015


•  Patrons are to show their ID cards on entering the Library and to show Library books checked out for crosschecking when leaving the Library.

•  Eating and drinking are not permitted inside the Library. However, drinks in reusable and spill proof containers are allowed in the court yard.

•  Users are expected to respect others by keeping conversations at low levels and to avoid actions that cause others to notice and complain.

•  Cell phones should be set to a no-ringing mode and taken outside to be used.

•  Electronic appliances and equipment such as photocopiers, air conditioners, extinguishers etc. are to be handled by Library staff or technicians only.

•  Patrons should not occupy more than one seating space or place feet on walls, windows or furniture.

•  Faculty/staff children who wish to use the Library must be accompanied by adults.

•  While the taking of photographs and videotaping in the Library for academic projects or personal use is permitted, the consent of the University Librarian must first be sought.

•  Requests for permission to photograph or videotape for commercial purposes must be submitted in writing to the University Librarian.

•  Advertising or selling of products and services is not allowed within the Library premises .

•  Patrons are expected to promptly report defects, damages or malfunctions noticed in any Library item to Library staff as well as the unbecoming behavior of a fellow user.

•  Cases of stealing, mutilation or defacing of materials are serious offences to be dealt with by the University authority.

•  The Library Director reserves the right to suspend or withdraw library privileges from persons who contravene Library Regulations.

Hits: 4494